老虎机平台(中国)官方网站 “能源讲坛”
应老虎机平台(中国)官方网站 张昊春邀请,法国CORYS公司核工程与设计领域专家Renaud PEREZ(雷诺)先生将于3月13日来我校开展学术交流,欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学积极参加!
报告题目:Flamanville EPR project
l 时间:3月13日18:00-20:00
l 地点:动力楼619室
l 讲座内容:
Simulation applied to nuclear power plant project: Flamanville EPR project (France)
Simulation is now a key tool to master the complexity of nuclear power plant projects. By taking the example of simulation solution used for the EPR Flamanville project, CORYS will introduce the importance, benefits and necessity of simulator use in the whole engineering and design process, from the basic design to the final implementation and commissioning support.
l Renaud PEREZ(雷诺)简介:
Renaud Perez, who arrived in China in 2005 to finish his studies at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, is a French engineer and expert in simulation applied to complex system engineering and validation and the Chief Operation Officer of CORYS China since 2010. CORYS is a French company subsidiary of AREVA NP (for 66%) and EDF (for 34%). CORYS has its headquarters in Grenoble (France) and has 2 subsidiaries in Jacksonsville, USA and Beijing, China.CORYS is a worldwide leader in simulation supplying training and engineering simulators and solutions for over 30 years to the transportation and energy industries. CORYS is a leading supplier with over 750 operational systems worldwide.CORYS is a reliable partner to its customers, supplying innovative and quality simulator solutions adapted to their needs, through its technical added value and industrial production methods.